Education is the necessary foundation of a country’s development. It helps to achieve full human potential and enhance the nation’s growth. The Indian government, after a long wait, has finally announced changes in the National Education Policy, 1986. On 29 July 2020 government rolled out the New Education Policy. The vision of this policy is to increase the expenditure of the state on education. They are investing around 4% of the current GDP, which will be increased to 6% in the New Education Policy. Also, it focuses on promoting the mother tongue in the education system. One more immense change they have made is to focus on Sanskrit and Foreign languages. Despite the decision to encourage all the languages, no particular languages will be forced on the students. To help pay for the expenses, you might want to look into playing some fun and interactive sports betting games via https://gbcity-w.com/.
Changes at the school level
From the past 34 years, we see a pattern of 10+2 in schooling education. With the announcement of the NEP, this pattern has changed. Now the school will follow a 5+3+3+4 model.
- Foundation level: – It will include three years on pre-school and then class 1st and 2nd. A child will spend five years in this phase. After that, they will be promoted to the next level.
- Preparatory level: – As the name suggests, this level will prepare students for further challenging levels. This level will cover classes 3 to 5.
- Middle level: – After the preparatory class, now children are introduced to various subjects like mathematics, science, social science, and humanities at this level. Also, coding will be presented at this level of school. It will stretch for three long years i.e., from class 6th to 8th.
- Secondary level: – Now, this will be the final stage of school education. It includes class 9th to 12th. Students can choose from the choices as per their interest.
Along with the levels of schooling, there are other changes also. Exams will be taken only in the 3rd, 5th, and 8th class. Also, the pattern of board exams of 10th and 12th will be changed. The department of PRAKASH will present it.
Changes at the College level
There was a policy of provision of degree at college earlier only after completion of the whole course. Now, this policy also sees a change.
- If one completes one year of college, they will be provided with a certificate.
- If anyone completes two years of college, then they will be awarded a diploma, and
- If they complete 3 years, then a bachelors degree will be provided to them
The higher education council of India (HECI) will set up the rules and regulations of college-level education. The competitive exams will be conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA) with revised rules and regulations. MHRD will fix the fee structure of private and public colleges.
Everyone is seeing forward to the changes that are made by the MHRD in the education policy. Will this brings a revolution in the industry of education? Or, like other policies and agendas of government, it will bury deep inside papers only?